Initial Set Up:
The first time you turn on the Raspberry Pi it will initialize itself and partition your boot disc accordingly.
When prompted, select to install Raspbian Full.
Ensure your boot disc is selected as the destination.
Modify language if desired.
Click the "Install" icon in the upper left hand corner.
You will be warned that this operation will erase existing data on your boot disc, select "yes".
After ~20 minutes you should see a dialog stating "OS(s) installed ok".
Click "ok", then the Raspberry Pi will do a quick reboot.
You should see the desktop and the initial configuration window where you can select your location, time zone, & language.
Reset the "Pi" user password which is set to the default ‘raspberry'.
Select your WiFi network, enter your WiFi password if you want. Your Ethernet cable should be providing your internet connection though.
If there is a black border around the edge of your screen, select the checkbox in the dialog window indicating so.
The Raspberry Pi will check for updates, install them, then prompt you to reboot, this should take ~15 minuets.