Connecting & Mounting External Drive:
Below are instructions for connecting your external SSD. Or you can follow the instructions for attaching an external drive found at:
in the Raspberry Pi section under Attach External Drive:
$sudo dmesg -C;
$sudo dmesg -w;
Now connect your external drive.
Make note of idVendor & idProduct. For example: idVendor = 1058 & idProduct = 0748
Make note of the partition name. For example: sda or sda1.
Test your external drive's performance with:
$sudo hdparm -t --direct /dev/XXX;
(Where XXX = your partition name).
You should get a result that reads something like: Timing O_DIRECT disk reads: 200 MB in 3.0 seconds = 66.66 MB/s.
If your results are less than 50 MB/s then follow the next step with your idvendor & idproduct from above. Otherwise, skip ahead to "$sudo mkfs.ext4…".
First edit the cmdline text file:
$sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt;
At the very beginning of the text in the file insert:
Where XXXX=idVendor & YYYY=idProduct. Make sure you leave a single space after the "u" and before the original text.
Save the text file by hitting ctrl+x, y for yes, and enter.
$sudo reboot;
Once you're all logged back in and back in the shell, re-run the performance test.
$sudo hdparm -t --direct /dev/sda1;
You should have increased performance. If not, get a new external drive and start again.
Format the partition on the external drive.
$sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/XXXX;
Where XXXX = your partition name such as "sda".
In case your external drive was previously mounted, you can use "$ sudo umount /dev/sda" to unmount.
Make note of your external drive's UUID.
$sudo nano /etc/fstab;
Create a new line below the others that reads the following: where "{tab}" is you hitting the tab key.
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX {tab} /mnt/ext {tab} ext4 {tab} defaults,noatime {tab} 0 {tab} 2
Where the UUID is what you copied from above. Hit ctrl+x, y for yes, & enter to save.
$sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ext;
$sudo mount -a;
$df -h /mnt/ext;
Should return:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted On #/dev/sda 1.8T 77M 1.7T 1% /mnt/ext
Set the owner:
$sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/ext/;
$cd /mnt/ext;
$sudo mkdir -p bitcoin;
$ls -la;
If owner & group for the new bitcoin folder are root & root, then run:
$sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/ext/bitcoin;
$ls -la;
Bitcoin should now be owned by pi.
Let's test our permissions by creating a file & deleting it:
$touch bitcoin/test/file;
$rm bitcoin/test.file;
You should not receive any errors. If you do then your drive is mounted as read-only and you need to fix that before proceeding.
Move swap file:
$sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile;
Scroll down to "CONF_SWAPFILE=100" and put a (#) hashtag infront of it. Hit ctrl+x, y for yes, enter for save.
$sudo dphys-swapfile install;