
Here are a number of resources that I found helpful during my journey into home mining for non-KYC bitcoin. I hope you find these helpful as well.

Mining for the Streets by @Diverter_NoKYC

For years the narrative that has been pushed regarding Bitcoin mining is that it's a fool's game, better left to the professional mining farms and big players due to shrinking profitability. This guide aims to show that this is overly simplistic and narrow-minded in its view. In fact, as ways to acquire BTC without going through the dangerous KYC/AML verification process shrink, mining becomes more and more intriguing for the average user.

Gravity. by @LaurentMT

"Law I: Every UTXO persists in its state, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed." — Isaac Newton, Principia 2.0

The Yin and Yang of Bitcoin by @LaurentMT

"Countless words count less than the silent balance between yin and yang" - Laotzi

Cliffhangers by @LaurentMT

"Be like the cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it." — Marcus ‘Rocky' Aurelius, Meditations of a Bitcoin miner

Electric Money by @LaurentMT

"Do states dream of electric money ?" — Philip K. Dick (Reloaded)

Data Privacy and Security for Bitcoin Miners by @braiins_systems

A guide to maintaining full anonymity and improving security as a Bitcoin miner, protecting you against eavesdropping and hashrate hijacking by your ISP or other third party.

Stratum V2: Migration and Decentralization by @karimhelpme

Specialized tooling is an underappreciated but critical component of the Bitcoin ecosystem. As the base layer in the ecosystem's technology stack, Bitcoin's core protocol does not include all the functionality necessary for every type of user to easily participate in the network.

Bitcoin Miner Transaction Fee Gathering Capability by @BitMEXResearch

In this report we discuss a new proposed mining pool, expected to censor certain transactions. This may result in a detectable diversion from the typical revenue maximisation transaction selection policy, which forms the basis of our analysis.

Competitive Bitcoin Miners Operate At Roughly 90% Margins But New Entrants Must Be Cautious by @bitcoinnomadic

It's undeniably been an extremely lucrative difficulty epoch for many Bitcoin miners. Despite difficulty rising by 10.79% at the last difficulty adjustment, some miners managed to operate at over 90% margins during the epoch.

How Much Would it Cost to 51% Attack Bitcoin? by @braiins_systems

A thorough explanation of 51% attacks, the possible ways to attempt them, and how feasible each method is today. Bonus: how we can mitigate the risk with Stratum V2.

There will be bitcoin. by @SGBarbour

The future of bitcoin mining is oilfield. There is no greater quantity of stranded and wasted energy in the world than there is in oilfield.

The Intelligent Bitcoin Miner, Part I. by @leorzhang

This article is a collaboration with General Mining Research, a Singapore based hashpower-focused company, who invests and trades hashpower of cryptocurrency networks, as well as derivatives. GMR supports our work by providing proprietary machine market data, as well as hashrate growth predictions over the next few months based on sales projections aggregated from manufacturers.

The Alchemy of Hashpower, Part II. by @leorzhang

In Part I of this series, we presented a simple heuristic for understanding hashpower as an asset class. In mining, everything is connected. To establish a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamic, we need to scrutinize the interactions between the underlying forces in greater depth.

WhatMiner M31S Operation Guide

WhatsMinerTool Operating Guide_v6.0.27

Thanks for reading! I hope that this article got you thinking about how mining at home for non-KYC bitcoin can be beneficial. Everyone's situation is different and not all of my solutions will work for everyone, but I hope the information I presented here got your wheels turning. If you do start mining at home, please share your setups, the challenges you faced, and the solutions you came up with. I love to see other projects that people are working on.