Soroban StoneWallx2

This next video example is a StoneWallx2 transaction over Soroban. In this example, my secondary Android device is acting as the third party receiver, while my primary device is acting as the sender. My collaborating peer (@ElkimXOC) is many miles away, we are exchanging transaction building details instantly over Tor despite the vast distance between us. The example in this video was done using the Testnet Bitcoin network.

Soroban Stonewallx2 Video

The Testnet Bitcoin (tBTC) transaction from the video above can be viewed on Blockstream's Testnet explorer here. You can see that the StoneWallx2 transaction is structured the same way as the non-Soroban StoneWallx2 in that there are two inputs: one from the sender and one from the collaborator; and four outputs one spend (to the 3rd party receiver), one decoy and one change outputs (return to sender), and one change output (return to collaborator). But we didn't have to manually swap any QR codes in person.