Soroban Stowaway

Here is a video example of a Stowaway transaction using Soroban, both receiving and sending actions are shown. In the first half of the video, the view of the receiver is being shown. In the second half of the video, the view of the sender is being shown. The collaborating peer (@BTCxZelko) for both sending and receiving transactions is many miles away. Despite the vast geographic distance, Soroban has allowed for instant private communication between peers to build a transaction that conceals the amount being spent. The examples in this video are using the Testnet Bitcoin network.

Soroban Stowaway Video

The Testnet Bitcoin (tBTC) transaction from the video above can be viewed on Blockstream's Testnet explorer, here. The amount transacted in the video was 0.00045675 tBTC, but according to the details on the blockchain, that amount is not evident. Since I have prior knowledge of this transaction and can explain to you what is going on here, you can see that the 0.01878952 tBTC input plus the 0.00045675 tBTC sent equals the 0.01924627 tBTC output.