
Both StoneWallx2 and Stowaway transactions are built between users sharing PayNyms. The implementation of BIP47 has allowed these PayNyms to be integrated with Samourai Wallet. Any wallet developer can also implement this feature. The really cool thing about using a PayNym is that it provides a static payment code that can be on public display without revealing any of the history of that PayNym or reusing any Bitcoin addresses. Furthermore, when two users follow each other with their PayNyms in the Samourai Wallet app, they establish a cryptographic connection made with some information from both PayNyms that is unique to their specific connection. This connection enables the receiving addresses to be generated while building cahoots transactions together.

Every PayNym receives a unique avatar that can be saved in your contact list on the Samourai Wallet app.

PayNyms are another great addition to the line up of privacy enhancing tools available from Samourai Wallet.

Your privacy is only as good as the tools you use to guard it, so be sure to use the best tools available to you. The best way to learn is from experience, it is easy to install the Samourai Wallet app and start trying out these tools and features for yourself. You can find the Samourai Wallet app on their GitLab site or in the Google Play Store.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found this article thought provoking and that it helped you see how easy it is to gain better privacy with Samourai Wallet and the added Soroban improvements. Add these tools to your Whirlpool post-mix arsenal and it is easy to see that this is a game changer and that the playing field has been tipped in privacy's favor.